oooohhhh it's hot in here
it must be DAO in the atmosphere
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Tuesday, July 7, 2009, 4:55 PM
5th post only! kheng wee here! haha i can talk about the outing on 26th june 2009 briefly :D there was like shenyang, ivan, kaihong, adrea, jacinta, clarissa and me, yep and donovan sir came a bit later. oh yah waited quite long at cityhall mrt station before we went to some cafe place for lunch lol. got some special offer but waited very long! when sir arrived, ordered stuff, his food came in LIKE 5 MINS o.o grr. haha it was quite fun coz we kept trying to tou1 pai1 sir and use iphone to tweak the pictures! we also talked about random stuff :D after eating, we started walking all around. and then at first wanted kbox but then we went to the arcade machines and the hwachong people were trying to play those lol.
at like halfway, some people booked bowling lanes and we kinda "splitted" bleh. so left like sir, shenyang, adrea, jacinta, clarissa and me? plus some other people. played and played, spammed our one dollar coins. LOL. somehow we wanted to do something else, yet couldn't agree on pool or kbox. AND my sqdm lynn (from cows) left halfway D: and so like after much struggling, we splitted again. i was with my sqdms then we began to try and catch those softtoys. at first we thought it would be very screwed, but jiajia got soft toys and we went back to the bowling alley to niao people haha! :D the atmosphere was kinda back again lah. it was kinda fun for a first time, but then not open enough! (: must hope that our next outing will be soon k! and someone plan lol. we dao you but you better not dao this post Monday, July 6, 2009, 10:41 PM
hello! revive revive! :D group blog is dead o: but doesnt matter lah the spirit never dies :D im sure everyone has been upholding dao spirit right! (in the homework sense hoho xD) happy youth day everyone :D though its abit late but ahh its okay its still on the day itself :) anyway people, jiayou for school! ^^ sec3's tough, but we're tougher so ultimately we'll pull through (: when yal feel down/tired/too stressed to continue, remember when you're at the darkest part of the night it means day is coming :D and no matter what you always have your squadmates to turn to ^^ gogogo daoists!
we dao you but you better not dao this post A Word of Thanks
Monday, June 29, 2009, 9:09 AM
OMG! I've finally found the time to add a post in here! Well, i think it may be abit too late to say this but if there's a need to thank, i will want to do so no matter how late it may be.I would like to thank you guys for giving me a chance to play one last role as a STC group instructor. I have finally found a group where i truly belong. Probably the next time i return to Ubin, it will be a totally different feel for me. Although Dao seems like the one always doing the work others don't want to do during the camp, i feel that it's the beginning of leadership. A leader takes the path where no one takes and leave a trail. You guys took the lead on Day One for the returning to campsite from Chek Jawa and i was expecting you all to choose the usual route but instead you guys tried a route i never thought could go through. I think that was a risk well taken. Well done! And on Day Three you guys were 'asked' to clean up the dustbins (if i did not remember wrongly) and that's something i want to make a comment on - "If we don't clean up, who will?". Cleaning up the dirt isn't a chore, it's a service. We did the camp a favour, a favour for the good of everyone, that's servant leadership. A leader isn't measured by the number of people who served him, but the number of people he served. Well, so it seems like we started with Sai Kang and ended with Sai Kang too. Leadership is a challenge - are you willing to go that extra mile to clean the mess? I played the role of the facilitator and you guys run the show, and i must you guys ran it well. You can Dao anyone and anything, but you MUST never Dao those who really need us. That's the Leadership of Dao. NPCC isn't about drills or campcraft, it's about the people. It's the same for every other CCA of Leadership. I wish every one of you all the best in your future endeavours. It's alright that things had a bad start, but make sure it doesn't end with a bad finale. Thanks guys, i'm proud of you! ![]() Donovan Dao's Guardian Angel Labels: Thank you we dao you but you better not dao this post blog's up & dao outing!
Thursday, June 25, 2009, 7:16 PM
Woohoo our blog is finally up :D with help from alicia (thanks so much!) haha i missed stc a lot, it was a whole load of fun with yall. we must keep in contact and haha make sure we update this blog and keep it alive. (: so post post post. i'm sending the login and password to everyone now!and also, our outing is confirmed on this friday! :D the latest news is that we will be combining with auntie group and meet at 12pm at cityhall mrt station. we will be going to marina square from there. not confirmed what we will be doing yet but there's bowling, pool, kbox, arcade, so we shall choose then. details - 12pm friday @ cityhall mrt okay bring money and right if you suddenly can make it for the outing, just come! (: dao ftw! (: kheng wee we dao you but you better not dao this post test
Sunday, June 21, 2009, 10:44 PM
:D test!
we dao you but you better not dao this post |